Synopsis: Fallout from the Fed’s repo firefighting, prospects for Trump’s re-election, and five scenarios for Brexit

In this episode of Synopsis, OMFIF’s weekly roundup of news and analysis, Subeditor Julie Levy-Abegnoli looks back over the most recent articles published on the OMFIF website, including those on the Fed’s repo firefighting and how Brexit could play out. To receive our newsletters, visit

Articles and other items referenced:

  1. Fed faces repo firefighting fallout
  2. US economy may derail Trump 2020 victory
  3. 2020s will test leaders’ conviction
  4. Five scenarios for Brexit
  5. Watershed for Europe and the world
  6. OMFIF 10th anniversary
  7. Central banking in 2020: Risks abound in year to come
  8. Sustainable investment in uncertain times: The future of public sector asset management
  9. Japan’s economy: Challenges and prospects

Music: Hey Mercy by Pierce Murphy is licensed under an Attribution License.

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