The future of central banking

Assessing the key challenges beyond monetary policy

Europe’s prosperity and resilience
On the occasion of the International Monetary Fund-World Bank annual meetings, DZ BANK and OMFIF are co-hosting a breakfast discussion ...
The economic outlook in Spain and the euro area
Ángel Gavilán, director general, economics, statistics and research at Banco de España, joins OMFIF to discuss projections for the Spanish ...
Changes in US Treasury and funding markets: lessons for central banks’ liquidity and operational effectiveness
Liquidity for the US Treasury and funding markets is changing. Lingering US financial stability concerns, quantitative tightening by the Federal ...
William Dudley on the monetary policy outlook for the US
WIlliam Dudley, chair of the Bretton Woods Committee and president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2009-18), joins ...

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