News & commentary

Read the latest financial and monetary policy news and commentary from OMFIF’s in-house analysts and global network of specialists.

Euro area credit ratings under pressure from fiscal challenges

Reform-minded governments must make adjustments
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Range of risks leading even the most conservative asset owners to rethink

Range of risks leading even the most conservative asset owners to rethink

Macro uncertainty prompting more active management among public investors
Bank capital: how much is enough?

Bank capital: how much is enough?

Tweaks to Basel III provoke warnings from US bankers
Expect underwhelming spring meetings in Washington

Expect underwhelming spring meetings in Washington

Mixed and tepid global growth outlook amid irksome tectonic forces
Italy’s economic miracle is not what it seems

Italy’s economic miracle is not what it seems

Missed opportunities for growth are clouding the outlook
Italy's economic resilience amid fiscal challenges ahead

Italy’s economic resilience amid fiscal challenges ahead

‘Duchess Chameleon’ Prime Minister Meloni adapts
Unleashing Africa's investment potential

Unleashing Africa’s investment potential

The role of a shared financial services architecture
ECB moves ahead of Fed in credit easing stakes

ECB moves ahead of Fed in credit easing stakes

US-Europe economic divide a worry for policy-makers
Argentina's libertarian experiment: 'Mileinomics' thrives, but 'Mileipolitics' falters

Argentina’s libertarian experiment: ‘Mileinomics’ thrives, but ‘Mileipolitics’ falters

The president must learn to work with the legislature, not against it
Africa’s bold bargain with global finance

Africa’s bold bargain with global finance

Could a continental consensus work as Africa’s ultimate bargaining chip?
Global issues as much as domestic will decide UK election

Global issues as much as domestic will decide UK election

Decarbonisation, immigration and fiscal policy will be high on the campaign agenda
Oscar Lewisohn: in best traditions of Anglo-Continental finance

Oscar Lewisohn: in best traditions of Anglo-Continental finance

Old-school banker who leaves a broad and rich legacy
Europe needs comprehensive industrial policy to withstand populist forces

Europe needs comprehensive industrial policy to withstand populist forces

European Parliament elections will be determined by the growing influence of extremes
The real budget will come after the UK election

The real budget will come after the UK election

Hunt failed to assess deep-seated problems of borrowing and taxation
Beware basing Russian reparations on vengeance

Beware basing Russian reparations on vengeance

History cautions against simply seizing assets

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