Japan’s economy: challenges and prospects
While Japan’s economy has grown above potential, it faces a range of challenges stemming from its aging and shrinking population, concerns about financial vulnerabilities in the context of low interest rate environment, and low consumer and investor confidence in the future of the economy. Toshiyuki Miyoshi, head of the front office of the international department in Japan’s finance ministry, will discuss how national policies can be better coordinated and mutually reinforcing to tackle these challenges. He will also address the potential adverse inward spill-overs from heightened global uncertainty and geopolitical tensions.
Before assuming his current position, Toshiyuki worked on G20 issues for three years under Masatsugu Asakawa, now president of the Asian Development Bank, and played a central role in developing the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment in 2019. Prior to that, he worked on government debt management and the Japanese government bond market in 2014-2016, in the context of the Bank of Japan’s quantitative and qualitative monetary easing. Toshiyuki also worked at the International Monetary Fund, both on the Executive Board representing Japan and on the staff as senior economist in the Strategy, Policy, and Review department.
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