OMFIF hosted conference in Frankfurt to examine how the European Union can strengthen its sustainable finance competitive process, with a special emphasis on Germany and Luxembourg. The EU has made vast efforts on climate change, with the EU taxonomy spearheading sustainable finance regulatory practice, developments of disclosure frameworks and the integration of climate risk into financial services. Yet challenges persist with divergence in standards and jurisdictional approaches, the need to tackle greenwashing and converging the real economic and financial markets to achieve effective net zero transition.

This conference brought together public sector agencies worldwide, emphasising the central importance of public-private interactions for success in this sphere. Participants form a powerful force for co-operation in setting standards. Topics discussed included refining green products and instruments for more effective use of financial markets in combatting climate change, moving to a more holistic view of sustainability and, importantly, saying RIP to ESG.

Nicoletta Centofanti, General Manager and Sustainability Adviser, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative
Sherry Madera, Chair, Future of Sustainability Data Alliance
Vivek Pathak, Global Head and Director of Climate Business, IFC
Stefan Schnell, Senior Vice-President, Group Reporting and Performance Management, BASF

Janine von Wolfersdorff, Policy Fellow, The New Institute; OMFIF Advisor Board Council Member

Recorded on 15/09/2022

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This virtual discussion is part of the OMFIF Sustainable Policy Institute. The SPI is a high level community which brings together central banks, sovereign funds, public pension funds, and their counterparts in asset management, banking and professional services to explore policy, regulatory and investment challenges posed by environmental, social and governance themes. See more information on OMFIF’s SPI here.

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