The international central bank system: conducting monetary policy in a complex environment

RoundtableLondonEconomic and Monetary Policy Institute
Mon 01 Jul 202415:15 - 18:30

This seminar looks at the future implementation of monetary policy and the operational toolkits used by central banks, particularly the European Central Bank.

With a focus on financial market implications, this is the latest in a series of meetings on these issues. Our meetings will cover the interlinkages between the Federal Reserve System and the ECB, the importance of a currency’s international status for domestic economic resilience and more.

The invitation-only meeting convenes around 25 attendees from central banks, international organisations, market participants and financial services sector.


15:15-15:30 – Arrival

15:30-16:30 – Session I

  • Global financial cycle and interlinkages between the Fed and ECB
  • Outlook for the euro area after the ECB interest rate cut
  • Is France facing instability – and what will be the effect on Europe? Assessment following the first round of French parliamentary elections

16:30-16:40 – Break

16:40-17:40 – Session II

  • Consumer and labour market resilience on both sides of the Atlantic and effects on monetary policies
  • Evaluations of central bank operations: how to conduct monetary policy in a world of supply shocks
  • Central bank profitability: political and economic implications

17:40-18:30 – Drinks reception


Iain Begg

Professorial Research Fellow, European Institute

London School of Economics and Political Science

Iain Begg

Professorial Research Fellow, European Institute

London School of Economics and Political Science

Werner Hoyer

President (2012-23)

European Investment Bank

Werner Hoyer

President (2012-23)

European Investment Bank

Philippe Lagayette

Deputy Governor, Banque de France (1990 - 92)

Philippe Lagayette

Deputy Governor, Banque de France (1990 - 92)

Edoardo Reviglio

Professor of Economics

LUISS Guido Carli

Edoardo Reviglio

Professor of Economics

LUISS Guido Carli

Nout Wellink

President (1997-2011)

De Nederlandsche Bank

Nout Wellink

President (1997-2011)

De Nederlandsche Bank

Martin Wieland

Head, Market Intelligence and Analysis Division, Directorate General Markets,

Deutsche Bundesbank

Martin Wieland

Head, Market Intelligence and Analysis Division, Directorate General Markets,

Deutsche Bundesbank

Ivan Petrella

Professor of Economic Policy and Forecasting

Warwick Business School

Ivan Petrella

Professor of Economic Policy and Forecasting

Warwick Business School

Pawel Kowalewski

Senior Advisor

Narodowy Bank Polski

Pawel Kowalewski

Senior Advisor

Narodowy Bank Polski

Shahin Vallée

Senior research fellow

German Council on Foreign Relations

Shahin Vallée

Senior research fellow

German Council on Foreign Relations

Harald Benink

Professor of Banking and Finance

Tilburg University

Harald Benink

Professor of Banking and Finance

Tilburg University


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