How pension funds can accelerate transition finance

RoundtableLondonSustainable Policy Institute
Tue 25 Jun 202414:00 - 15:30

There is increasing pressure on pension and sovereign funds to invest and allocate capital towards sustainability. Funds face huge challenges and uncertainty as they begin to focus on transitioning their assets. This roundtable will discuss how pension funds should manage their portfolios and allocate their assets, examining the implication of asset ownership versus divestment of brown assets, the challenges of meeting disclosure requirements as well as how to ensure risk-adjusted return on investment.

Speakers will also consider incentivisation tools for mobilising private financial markets and the role pension funds ultimately play in driving the wider financial sector to transition.


Isabelle Bébéar

Director, International and European Affairs


Isabelle Bébéar

Director, International and European Affairs


Isabelle Bébéar is director of international and European affairs at Bpifrance. In her role, Bébéar supervises relations with European and international institutions as well as partnerships with sovereign funds and long-term investors. She is responsible for EuroQuity, the digital platform for connecting innovative companies with business opportunities and international investors. She is also a director of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds and co-chairs the international forum of development banks, the Montreal Group.

Ashleigh Lee

Senior Policy Adviser

City of London Corporation and Co-Lead, Secretariat, Transition Finance Market Review

Ashleigh Lee

Senior Policy Adviser

City of London Corporation and Co-Lead, Secretariat, Transition Finance Market Review

Ashleigh Lee is a senior policy adviser at the City of London Corporation. She leads the City of London Corporation’s work on transition finance and nature finance. She is also currently co-leading the secretariat of the Transition Finance Market Review, which investigates how to support companies in the UK and abroad to continue to access the capital they need to decarbonise and deliver our net-zero ambitions.

Caroline Laberge

Director, Sustainable Investing


Caroline Laberge

Director, Sustainable Investing


Caroline Laberge is director of sustainable investing at CDPQ. The group is responsible for defining and overseeing the organisation’s sustainability orientations and integrating environmental, social and governance matters into CDPQ’s investment activities. She also acts as a member of the Asset Owner Technical Advisory and Quebec Network Advisory Committees of the Principles for Responsible Investment.


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