Applying scenario analysis to quantify climate risk

RoundtableLondonSustainable Policy Institute
Tue 02 Jul 202409:00 - 10:30

Scenario analysis has become an important tool for central banks to understand, assess and quantify the risk climate change poses to the financial sector. Using scenario analysis, strategic plans can be created to adapt and react to the physical and transition risks exposed.

This roundtable discussion will explore the current tools and metrics used, as well as the limitations and opportunities that scenario analysis presents for financial risk management. It will also consider alternatives to such analysis and how financial institutions can best project and build resilience to future challenges posed by climate change.


Livio Stracca

Deputy Director General Financial Stability

European Central Bank

Livio Stracca

Deputy Director General Financial Stability

European Central Bank

Adam Banai

Executive Director

Magyar Nemzeti Bank

Adam Banai

Executive Director

Magyar Nemzeti Bank

Jean Boissinot

Deputy Director, Financial Stability

Banque de France

Jean Boissinot

Deputy Director, Financial Stability

Banque de France


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