Promoting gender balance across financial institutions

Promoting gender balance across financial institutions

Lecture   Singapore   Asia
  Tue 12 Nov 2019 09:00

The presence of women, alongside men, at the top of public and private financial institutions is beneficial for both the organisations themselves and the global economy. Boards and executive teams responsible for making monetary policy decisions, managing risks and navigating turbulent economic situations, benefit from the diversity of opinion offered by gender equality. As young women see more role models in female leaders, the pool of talent from which institutions can recruit widens and increased gender diversity can be expected.

OMFIF, supported by Barings, is contributing to this conversation by launching, in Asia, the sixth annual Gender Balance Index, which tracks the presence of men and women in senior positions at central banks, sovereign funds and public pension funds.

Topics for discussion:

  • Importance of gender balance in public and private financial institutions
  • Implementing strategies to help women progress to the most senior positions
  • Explore ways to encourage more women to take senior roles in finance
  • The role of regulatory and supervisory institutions in promoting gender diversity
  • Challenges and solutions for improving gender equality in Asia


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