Embracing GSS sovereign bond issuance in central and eastern Europe

Embracing GSS sovereign bond issuance in central and eastern Europe

Virtual panel      
  Thu 15 Jun 2023 09:00 - 12:00

The objective of this workshop is for sovereign issuers in central and eastern Europe to share their ideas of how to take green, social and sustainable bond issuance forward. It provides a knowledge-sharing platform for all sides of the capital markets, including experienced debt management offices both within and outside the region, development banks, investors, rating agencies and intermediaries to form a high-level dialogue.

We will explore how the CEE GSS capital markets need to develop further, best practices, the role of third-party institutions, product types, frameworks and investor demand as well as key themes in this market.

The 2023 series by OMFIF’s Sovereign Debt Institute follows the culmination of the 2022 GSS issuer workshops, which attracted 40 DMOs and ministries of finance and over 50 investors from around the world.

09:00-12:00 (London)
04:00-07:00 (New York)
17:00-20:00 (Singapore)


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Tom Collet
Sustainable Finance Analyst
EMEA Second Party Opinions

Adriana Cruz Headshot template-1

Adriana Cruz Félix
Vice President and Head
EMEA Second Party Opinions

Marjan Divjak
Director General
Treasury Directorate

Jana Harvey
Senior Portfolio Manager
Emerging Markets
BlueBay Asset Management

Mila Krekik
Front Office Employee
International Financial Relations and Public Debt Management
North Macedonia

Isabelle Laurent
Deputy Treasurer and
Head of Funding
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Stefan Nanu
Public Debt Management and State Treasury
Ministry of Finance

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András Réz
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Government Debt Management Agency (ÁKK)

Viktor Szabó
Investment Director

Malika Takhtayeva
ESG Analyst
Sustainable Fixed Income Lead
BNP Paribas Asset Management

Eren Yavuz
International Capital Markets
Ministry of Treasury and Finance

Suported by:

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This discussion is part of the OMFIF Sovereign Debt Institute. The SDI brings together DMOs, supranational agencies, public investors and capital market banks to promote high-level strategic dialogue and co-operation to help sovereign borrowers meet the challenges they face. Please contact sofia.melis@omfif.org directly for membership details.


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