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Digital assets: a long-awaited revolution

Digital assets: a long-awaited revolution

Financial markets are undergoing a long-awaited overhaul. When distributed ledger technology first surfaced, many at the intersection of technology and finance heralded it as the rails on which the markets of the future would run. It has taken many years, ...
The last mile: financial vulnerabilities and risks

The last mile: financial vulnerabilities and risks

The International Monetary Fund’s latest Global Financial Stability Report suggests that financial conditions have eased ...
Microsoft's vision for responsible AI in the public sector

Microsoft’s vision for responsible AI in the public sector

Valentina Ion, public finance and public transportation lead at Microsoft, joins OMFIF to discuss the ...
Using better measures to inform public spending

Using better measures to inform public spending

In the first of three podcasts as part of OMFIF’s project with EY on the ...
Global macro challenges and opportunities

Global macro challenges and opportunities

This session examined the prevailing outlook for the global economy and the key macroeconomic factors ...
The market for EU bonds: creating a liquid, safe asset

The market for EU bonds: creating a liquid, safe asset

Leading market participants and a senior European Union official delved into the EU's efforts to ...
How EU bonds are assisting in the transformation of Europe

How EU bonds are assisting in the transformation of Europe

At OMFIF's ‘Europe: The opportunity for global investors’ summit in Dubai, Johannes Hahn, commissioner for ...
NGEU green bonds and the first allocation and impact report

NGEU green bonds and the first allocation and impact report

Siegfried Ruhl, hors classe adviser to the director general for budget at the European Commission, ...
In conversation: The evolution of the EU as an issuer

In conversation: The evolution of the EU as an issuer

Stéphanie Riso, director general for budget at the European Commission, discussed the evolving landscape of ...
The macroeconomic situation in Europe

The macroeconomic situation in Europe

Reinhard Felke, director for policy, strategy and communication, Economic and Financial Affairs at the European ...
Financial stability outlook: risks and resilience

Financial stability outlook: risks and resilience

Pedro Duerte Neves, adviser for the board of directors and former vice governor of Banco ...
Taking stock: financial market integration in Europe

Taking stock: financial market integration in Europe

Björn Storim, chief executive officer, and Ben Pott, managing director and international head of public ...
US dollar dominance: Is there no alternative?

US dollar dominance: Is there no alternative?

Max Castelli, head of strategy, sovereign institutions at UBS Asset Management, joins Taylor Pearce, senior ...
Geopolitical risks: what’s at stake for investors?

Geopolitical risks: what’s at stake for investors?

Taylor Pearce, senior economist, Economic Monetary Institute at OMFIF, hosts Elliot Hentov, head of macro ...
Greece’s landmark debt restructuring: what happened and why it matters

Greece’s landmark debt restructuring: what happened and why it matters

Charles Dallara, former managing director of the Institute of International Finance, joins OMFIF's David Marsh, ...
The history of dollar dominance and weaponisation

The history of dollar dominance and weaponisation

Saleha Mohsin, senior Washington correspondent for Bloomberg News joined Mark Sobel, US chair at OMFIF, ...
OMFIF Gender Balance Index 2024 launch

OMFIF Gender Balance Index 2024 launch

OMFIF's Gender Balance Index tracks the number of men and women in senior leadership teams ...

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