Tackling biodiversity risk for financial institutions
Biodiversity and nature loss is a core risk driver for financial institutions, but the true extent of implications for the global economy remains misunderstood. With COP16 on the horizon, the Network for Greening the Financial System has released its final conceptual framework for nature-related financial risks, which aims to guide policies and action by central banks and financial supervisors. This roundtable will discuss strategies, targets and tools to integrate biodiversity risk into portfolios and investment processes, and how nature will fit into broader NGFS priorities.
Yann Marin
Head of Secretariat
Network for Greening the Financial System
Yann Marin
Head of Secretariat
Network for Greening the Financial System
Yann Marin is deputy director for financial stability at Banque de France. Alongside this role, he is also head of secretariat at the Network for Greening the Financial System. Previously, Marin was the deputy director for international affairs at the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority, in charge of cross-sectoral issues, such as climate-related risks. Prior to this, he worked in the Financial Stability Board, leading the team on the Assessment of Vulnerabilities.