Solving for foreign exchange liquidity: do central banks need to step up?

RoundtableEuropeLondonDigital Monetary Institute
Wed 24 Jul 202410:00 - 12:00

Many central banks are eager to see if multi-currency central bank digital currency platforms can resolve cross-border payment problems. While improved plumbing is an important development for cross-border payments, many of the costs involved in the market stem from a lack of liquidity for trading pairs. Crucially, this issue cannot simply be addressed by improving the settlement architecture.

While central bank swap lines are an important component of ensuring foreign exchange corridors remain liquid, could central banks be doing more to improve the efficiency of cross-border payments markets? Ousmène Jacques Mandeng, senior adviser, Accenture and visiting fellow at the School of Public Policy at the London School of Economics, joined OMFIF to discuss the importance of effective liquidity provision and what central banks could do to ensure this amid the development of cross-border CBDC platforms.


Ousmène Jacques Mandeng

Senior Adviser; Visiting Fellow

Accenture; London School of Economics

Ousmène Jacques Mandeng

Senior Adviser; Visiting Fellow

Accenture; London School of Economics

Dr Ousmène Jacques Mandeng, is Co-Founder and CEO of fintech start-up Wire Coin SAS and Founder and Director of strategy consulting boutique Economics Advisory Ltd. He is an Accenture Luminary and advises the firm on financial markets innovations especially on the leading central bank digital currency (CBDC) projects. Ousmène had worked more than 20 years in senior positions in financial markets and the International Monetary Fund. He has commented regularly on the impact of digital money and the international monetary system. He is a Visiting Fellow of the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Member of the Bretton Woods Committee.



10:00 – 10:30 Registration
10:30 – 11:30 Roundtable discussion
11:30 – 12:00 Refreshments & networking


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