Eurosystem central bank balance sheets: strains and solutions

RoundtableLondonEconomic and Monetary Policy Institute
Mon 18 Sep 202315:15 - 18:30

As the European Central Bank nears the end of its year-long period of interest rate rises, attention is now turning to forthcoming adjustments to the Eurosystem’s balance sheet, heavily swollen by eight years of quantitative easing.

OMFIF is convening an expert panel to discuss the outlook for further reinvestment or possible quantitative tightening for the Eurosystem’s bond portfolios. The latest in a series of meetings on these issues investigates the scenarios featured in the International Monetary Fund’s landmark report on central banks’ profits and losses. The report includes projections of the net income of the Eurosystem and its ‘top five’ central banks over a 10-year horizon, which suggest that losses, while large, will be temporary and recoupable.

The roundtable will also consider the legal and technical issues constraining the balance sheet policies of the Deutsche Bundesbank in view of past and current lawsuits at the German constitutional court.


Harald Benink

Professor of Banking and Finance

Tilburg University

Harald Benink

Professor of Banking and Finance

Tilburg University

Ashok Bhatia

Director, Offices in Europe and Senior Resident Representative to the EU

International Monetary Fund

Ashok Bhatia

Director, Offices in Europe and Senior Resident Representative to the EU

International Monetary Fund

Dirk Broeders

Senior Risk Manager

De Nederlandsche Bank

Dirk Broeders

Senior Risk Manager

De Nederlandsche Bank

Vítor Constâncio

Vice President (2010-18)

European Central Bank

Vítor Constâncio

Vice President (2010-18)

European Central Bank

Paul de Grauwe

John Paulson Chair, European Political Economy

European Institute, London School of Economics

Paul de Grauwe

John Paulson Chair, European Political Economy

European Institute, London School of Economics

Patrick Honohan

Honorary Professor

Trinity College Dublin

Patrick Honohan

Honorary Professor

Trinity College Dublin

Stefan Ingves

Governor (2006-22)

Sveriges Riksbank

Stefan Ingves

Governor (2006-22)

Sveriges Riksbank

Yuemei Ji

Professor of Economics

University College London

Yuemei Ji

Professor of Economics

University College London

Markus Kerber

Attorney of Law and Professor of Public Finance and Political Economy

Technology University of Berlin

Markus Kerber

Attorney of Law and Professor of Public Finance and Political Economy

Technology University of Berlin

Nout Wellink

President (1997-2011)

De Nederlandsche Bank

Nout Wellink

President (1997-2011)

De Nederlandsche Bank


15:15-15:30 Registration
15:30-17:30 Roundtable
17:30-18:30 Drinks reception

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