Autumn 2023

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AI and the global economy: promises, challenges and policy solutions

Governments and global financial institutions are increasingly taking the promises and risks of AI seriously, writes Julian Jacobs, senior economist at OMFIF.

Economic growth

Can AI be anything other than deflationary?

As AI weighs on inflationary forces, policy-makers and investors may look back at more conventional efforts to stabilise prices with nostalgia, writes Christopher Smart, managing partner of Arbroath Group.

Banks must find balance with AI in financial markets

Research should be a collaboration between public and private sector, writes Edoardo Reviglio, visiting senior research scholar at Yale Law School and member of the OMFIF Advisory Board.

Sustainability considerations in the AI era

Opinion is divided on artificial intelligence as it helps improve financial tools but hinders net-zero plans, writes Nneka Chike-Obi, senior director and head of environmental, social and governance ratings and research at Sustainable Fitch.

Labour displacement

AI in agriculture calls for imaginative policy-making

The world would be ill-advised to ignore technological changes in agrarian relations, writes Jai Vipra, independent AI policy researcher.

The impact of AI on international trade and labour market inequalities

Structural transformations as a result of artificial intelligence could level out inequalities between different types of workers, writes Bart Los, professor of economics at University of Groningen.

Productivity growth through the lens of AI

Examining the behaviour of innovating firms is a good way to measure the impact of AI on productivity and labour, writes Francesco Venturini, associate professor in economics, University of Perugia.

Security concerns

Scale, speed and sophistication: addressing AI-driven market manipulation

A robust policy approach to AI is essential to prevent serious harm to society and the economy, argues Bilva Chandra, technology and security policy fellow, RAND Corporation.

Voluntary commitments insufficient to end race to godlike AI

Binding policy plans are necessary for mitigating the risks from unfettered artificial intelligence development, explains Akash Wasil, AI governance and policy researcher.

How central banks are already deploying artificial intelligence

AI is proving useful in central bank operating models but guardrails are urgently needed

Digitalisation is rapidly changing US labour market dynamics

Why technology is worsening economic inequality

Artificial intelligence: promises and risks to the macroeconomy

Julian Jacobs, senior economist, OMFIF, interviews Darrell West, senior fellow, the Brookings Institution, to discuss the promises and perils that may emerge as countries embrace AI.

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Company Number: 7032533. ISSN: 2398-4236

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