News & commentary

Read the latest financial and monetary policy news and commentary from OMFIF’s in-house analysts and global network of specialists.

Sweeping ever-growing debt under the carpet

Sweeping ever-growing debt under the carpet

Will the debt pile trip up policy-makers?
Sunak’s Spring Statement neglects those most hurt by inflation

Sunak’s Spring Statement neglects those most hurt by inflation

Chancellor chooses Sheriff of Nottingham over Robin Hood
Cocktail of private debt and inequality makes US more vulnerable to stagflation

Cocktail of private debt and inequality makes US more vulnerable to stagflation

Strong middle class provides best protection from debt traps
Solving the euro area’s problem will take years

Solving the euro area’s problem will take years

Quantitative easing helped but it’s not the solution
Wrong sort of inflation

Wrong sort of inflation

Legacy of quantitative easing could be part of the problem
Return of guns and butter: war, inflation and central banks

Return of guns and butter: war, inflation and central banks

Lessons of the 1960s – how William McChesney Martin’s errors could haunt Powell, Lagarde and Bailey
Central banks must switch to a war footing

Central banks must switch to a war footing

Financial markets haven't grasped fundamental shift
Two faces of the BoE’s inflation stance

Two faces of the BoE’s inflation stance

Small state is politically incompatible with Dickensian inequality
Greenium set to stay, say sovereign debt issuers

Greenium set to stay, say sovereign debt issuers

Improved secondary market liquidity is reinforcing green premium
European sovereigns turn crisis to their advantage

European sovereigns turn crisis to their advantage

Increased debt requirements during Covid-19 opened up new investor channels
Wind of change at ECB as Fed tightens, inflation stance shifts

Wind of change at ECB as Fed tightens, inflation stance shifts

Despite Italy, euro interest rates could rise this year after all
European sovereigns expect to ride out inflation spike

European sovereigns expect to ride out inflation spike

Investors have not been spooked – yet – by the prospect of rising yields
Nagel’s battle on two fronts: inflation and Europe

Nagel’s battle on two fronts: inflation and Europe

First Bundesbank chief to face inflation threat without control over interest rates

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