Unlocking finance for the transition: Asean taxonomy framework

Unlocking finance for the transition: Asean taxonomy framework

Virtual roundtable      Exclusive to members
  Tue 13 Jun 2023 09:00 - 10:00

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has updated its taxonomy for sustainable finance, putting a strong focus on the phasing out of coal plants. This would help its 10 member countries attract greater capital flow to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy and create a common language for sustainable finance across the region.

Even though the Asean taxonomy is designed to be interoperable with other international frameworks, some members, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, are developing national classifications of sustainable activities at the same time.

This virtual roundtable explores the latest update to the sustainable finance taxonomy. The speakers discuss the qualitative and quantitative assessment approaches, the taxonomy’s application, and comparability and interoperability with other frameworks. Join us to learn about the urgency of scaling up transition finance and the sustainability ambitions of Southeast Asia.

09:00 – 10:00 (London)
16:00 – 17:00 (Singapore)
04:00 – 05:00 (New York)

Kelvin Lester Lee, Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippines

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