Building sterling as a world-leading green bond market
We invite you to attend a half-day event reviewing the issuance of the UK government’s first green sovereign bond, the future of the sterling green bond market and how biodiversity can be incorporated into investment decisions. Through its presidency of COP 26, the UK aims to agree global coordinated approaches to tackling climate change, including how to mobilise capital and develop sustainable taxonomy standards. The role of financing in the green agenda is more important than ever as the global sovereign green bond market exceeds £100 billion; it is only set to boom further with £15 billion in green gilts.
This meeting will discuss market dynamics of green gilt issuance and the implications for developing a green yield curve, as well as the innovative UK Government Green Financing Framework. Following the findings of the Dasgupta Review, published by the HM Treasury in February, the Government set out a framework for incorporating nature and biodiversity into economics and decision-making. The meeting will further discuss the metrics needed to support investment decisions and how to scale up opportunities for biodiversity.
13:00-17:05 (London)
14:00-18:05 (Frankfurt)
08:00-12:05 (New York)
20:00-00:05 (Singapore).
Keynote speakers:
John Glen
Economic Secretary to the UK Treasury
Partha Dasgupta
Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics
University of Cambridge
Jean Boissinot
Head of NGFS Secretariat
Banque de France
Mario Pisani
Deputy Director, Debt and Reserves Management
HM Treasury
Heike Reichelt
Head of Investor Relations and New Products
World Bank
Jessica Pulay
Co-Head of Policy and Markets
UK Debt Management Office
Eoin Murray
Head of Investment Office
Federated Hermes
Jean-Marc Mercier
Vice-Chairman, Capital Markets
HSBC Global Banking and Markets, HSBC
Helen Avery
Head of Nature Programmes
Green Finance Institute
Tushita Ranchan
Green Purposes Company
Lori Heinel
Global Chief Investment Officer
State Street Global Advisors
Peter Young
Independent Chair
ISO/TC322 on Sustainable Finance
Simon Zadek
Finance for Biodiversity
Robert-Alexandre Poujade
ESG Analyst, Biodiversity Lead
BNP Paribas Asset Management
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This virtual discussion is part of the OMFIF Sovereign Debt Institute. The SDI brings together debt management offices, supranational agencies, public investors and capital market banks to promote high-level, strategic dialogue and co-operation to help sovereign borrowers meet the challenges they face. Please contact directly for membership details.