17 September 2024

Financial markets are undergoing a long-awaited overhaul. When distributed ledger technology first surfaced, many at the intersection of technology and finance heralded it as the rails on which the markets of the future would run. It has taken many years, and many experiments in both the public and private sector, but at last, a coherent picture of what such a market would look like is emerging: a multi-asset settlement platform, enabling the exchange of tokenised versions of assets and cash free from settlement risk.

Though enticing, it will require a colossal amount of work to deliver – not just technically, but from a governance standpoint. Change must come incrementally, and with each step being individually justified from an operational and business perspective. This can only be achieved if the work to improve financial markets is grounded in a thorough understanding of the issues that market participants face at present.

To explore this, OMFIF is conducting an extensive survey of market participants, examining the challenges they face with market infrastructure and their opinions on which solutions hold promise in improving capital market performance. The Digital assets 2024 report will feature valuable thought leadership, both from OMFIF experts and partners in the public and private sector, charting the journey from our present infrastructure to a more efficient capital market. It will explore:

The report will explore:
• Which asset classes will be tokenised
• Where tokenised cash will come from – central banks? Commercial banks? A stablecoin provider?
• How the roles of financial market infrastructure providers will change with DLT
• Whether regulators should re-examine the oversight of digital asset custodians


emmanuelle assouan

Emmanuelle Assouan

Director General, Financial Stability
Banque de France

Emmanuelle Assouan is director general for financial stability and operations at Banque de France. She also chairs the Banque de France Climate Change Centre. She was previously director general of financial stability at BdF and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution. Her areas of responsibility covered prudential regulation of credit institutions and insurers.

Partner with us

As regulators catch up to the nuances of the new asset class, financial institutions’ experiments with digital asset technology are beginning to yield results – promising a newer and more efficient transaction medium for financial markets.

Our team of researchers at OMFIF have identified four pivotal pillars that require careful consideration over the coming months: the digitalisation of traditional finance, digital assets for sustainability, thriving in winter and spring cleaning the crypto market.

OMFIF’s readership spans policy-makers, supranational institutions, 129 central banks and 10,000+ subscribers across the private and public sector. By partnering with the Digital Monetary Institute for this report on digital assets, your organisation will be showcased as a leader in building and protecting the markets of the future.

For partnership enquiries please contact Folusho Olutosin at partnerships@omfif.org.


Contact Folusho Olutosin to talk about your partnership opportunity


About DMI

The DMI was founded to meet the needs of central banks in understanding the emerging digital economy. Today the DMI is the leading convenor between the public and private sector on digital currencies and the future of capital markets.

We provide a trusted platform for our global community of central banks, multinational financial services, payment service providers, commercial banks and technology providers to shape the dialogue on the future of money. Driven by central banks, the DMI is the go-to place for policy discussions on central bank digital currencies and all related issues.


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