Artificial intelligence is redefining how central banks think, operate and understand the global economy. As the most transformative digital technology of our lifetime, AI brings with it tremendous opportunity, but also great risk.

Why AI?

Artificial Intelligence in traditional finance

How is AI currently used by financial institutions?

What are AI’s implications for financial stability, efficiency, and risk?

What are the key regulatory and policy challenges associated with AI usage in finance?

The future of central banks

How do central banks currently deploy AI/ML tools? How does this differ from private finance?

In what areas are central banks exploring using AI in the future?

What barriers exist to central bank usage of AI/what are the potential complications?

AI and the macroeconomy

How will AI impact productivity growth?

How will AI impact labour markets and inequality?

How can policies shape the macroeconomic impact of AI?

The future of monetary policy

How are central banks factoring AI into their assessments of medium- and long-term economic trends?

How will digitalisation impact equilibrium interest rates?

What are the implications for monetary policy?

AI and financial infrastructure

What risks does the rapidity of AI deployment pose to the cybersecurity of financial infrastructure?

What are the implications of AI for privacy and data protection?

What are the challenges of unaligned AI in financial markets? This includes faulty datasets and assumptions, which may embed harmful biases.

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