News highlights
Since the last edition of the SPI Journal, important strides have been made around the world in efforts to reach net zero.
Key ESG policy decisions
April–June 2022
South Africa launches green taxonomy
On 1 April, South Africa launched its national Green Finance Taxonomy. South Africa’s taxonomy ensures that national priorities are reflected while remaining aligned with international trends.
Colombia presents first Latin American green taxonomy
On 11 April, President of Colombia Iván Duque launched the country’s national green taxonomy at the New York Stock Exchange. Colombia has become the first country in Latin America to launch its own green taxonomy.
Stock Exchange of Thailand introduces Sustainability Reporting Guide
The Stock Exchange of Thailand unveiled its Sustainability Reporting Guide for listed companies on 6 May. It includes ESG metrics for each industry group and guidance on the disclosure of sustainability-related information with transparency, quality and standardisation.
China releases its first ESG disclosure standard
The ‘Guidance for Enterprise ESG Disclosure’ was published by the China Enterprise Reform and Development Society. It came into effect on 1 June.
Singapore releases a green bond framework
On 9 June, the Singapore government published the Singapore Green Bond Framework, a governance framework for sovereign green bond issuances.
Basel Committee issues principles for climate-related financial risks
On 15 June, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued principles for the effective management and supervision of climate-related financial risks. The committee aims to promote a principles-based approach to improving banks’ risk management and supervisors’ practices in climate-related financial risks.
Canada creates sustainability standards board
Canada’s Accounting Standards Oversight Council and Auditing and Assurance Standards Oversight Council announced the creation of the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board on 15 June.
Central bankers’ speeches
Selected speeches on climate change and sustainable finance, April–June 2022.
Further reading
Selected reports on climate change and sustainable finance, April–June 2022.
The report leverages the experiences of NGFS members and observers to shed light on the state of play and key challenges surrounding market transparency issues.
Financial Stability Board: Supervisory and Regulatory Approaches to Climate-related Risks
This report aims to assist supervisory and regulatory authorities in developing their approaches to monitoring, managing and mitigating risks arising from climate change and to promote consistent approaches across sectors and jurisdictions.
World Bank: State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2022
This report provides an overview of existing and emerging carbon pricing instruments around the world, including international, national and subnational initiatives. It also investigates trends surrounding the development and implementation of carbon pricing instruments and how they could accelerate the delivery of long-term mitigation goals.
The World Investment Report reviews investment in the UN sustainable development goals and in climate change mitigation and adaptation. It also looks at sustainable finance trends in capital markets and among institutional investors.